Rama Sloka


"Yanmaya Vashvarti
Vishwamkhilambrahamadi devasura,
Yat Sat Vadmrishave Bhati Sakalam

Rajoo Yadhaahaibharama,
Yatpadah Palvmaive Bhati

Hi Bhavambhodhaisitatti Shravtam,
Vandeaham Tamsheshkaranparam

Ramakhayamesham Harim

Meaning: Lord Hari is also called as Rama and he is beyond all cause. This whole world is a part of his Maya. Lord Ram is the only one, with whose essence everything shines as real (though in reality it is false) where snake is misapprehended as a rope and whose feet are a boat to those who aspire to cross the ocean of Samsara, the relative existence. I surrender myself to such great Lord.

god ram

"Moolam Dharmtarovivekjaldhae
Vaiaragayambuj Bhaskaram

Tawaghharam Dhavanta Paham Tapham,
Mohambhodharpunjhpatanvidhoo Khe

Sambhavam Shankaram,
Vande Braham Kul Kalankshamanam

Shree Rambhoopam Priyam

Meaning: Lord Rama, the beloved King is the root of the tree of all Dharma. He is the full moon, giving delight to the ocean of Viveka or discrimination and the sun for the lotus of Vairagya. He is the destroyer of sin, the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance and the destroyer of pain. In the act of destroying the masses of clouds, of delusion he acts like wind. I bow to the Lord, who is propitious and who brought death to the disgrace to the Brahmin family of Ravana.

hindu god ram

"Prasantam Ya Na Gatabhishaket Satatha Na Mamloo Banvasdukhta,
Mukhambujshree Raghunandan Sai Mai Sada Aastu Sa Mujulmangalprada"

Meaning: Lord Rama has a lotus like beautiful face. His beauty neither gets enhanced at the coronation nor fades at the hardships of an exile in the forest. May Lord bless me with all auspicious.

hindu diety ram

"Neelambhuj Shyamalkomlang
Sita Samaropitvambhagam,
Pano Mahasaikacharoochapam Namame

Ramam Raghuvanshnatham"

Meaning: Lord Rama is the chief amongst the Raghus. His handsome body is of dark blue color like the blue lotus. He has Sita seated on his left. He is the one, who wields a beautiful bow and arrows in his hands. I bow to such great Lord.

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