Chandraghanta Devi

|| Chandraghanta ||

Third day of Navratri dedicated to Chandraghanta Devi

DeviChandraghanta Ma is known and named Chandraghanta or Chandra-Khanda for the semi-circular moon (Chandra) which appears like a bell (Ghanta) on her forehead. Durga is also worshipped as Ashtamukhi and Shorashi in different parts of India on this day. She is depicted as having three eyes and ten hands holding with ten types of swords – etc. weapons and arrows etc. and is seated on a lion (in some photos on a tiger) and shown as ready for going to war. She is the image of bravery. The frightful sound of her bell terrifies all villains and demonic incarnations. She is also the giver of supreme knowledge and bliss and is depicted as having golden skin with the half circular moon on her forehead, glowing. Her ten hands hold……… She is worshipped in this form in Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) India.Srisailam Devasthanam also is a temple of Ma Chandraghanta.A very popular legend associated with Ma Chandraghanta is the story of Raja Harischandra her devotee.

Mantra to chant: 

"Om sarva mangal mangalye shive sarvarath sadhike,Sharanye triambake gauri narayani namostute." Chandraghanta devi sits on a tiger, and radiates a golden hue. She manifests ten hands and three eyes. Eight hands display weapons while the remaining two are giving blessings and protection. Special benediction: bliss, knowledge, peace and serenity, growtrh of all activities, purpose of life. She is worshiped in this form in Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) India. We see expansion of red energies with pink lightning flashes going directly to the spinal column to strengthen to all activities, activate root chakra (mooladhara); activating birth/growth of new activities; opening of the heart chakra begins. Semicircular spiral energies of navy blue create movement in the spiritual and material zone for all auspicious, karma-freeing work. As you pray and meditate, there will be a feeling of satisfaction as all solar plexus chakras are being freed from greed. Beautiful droplets of nectar are replacing the poison as the uncoiling serpents are sucking it away.o Offering: Three bananas in the morning, light a candle morning-evening, accept and share banana prasadam with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing. Send all the negative thoughts to the center of the earth, as all energy today will bring power to the lower limbs. Remember to offer something to mother earth – milk, money, water, fertilizer. 

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