

Born to religious parents in Konkan and initially known as a Vasudeva, he studied the Vedas under an ascetic Guru called Achyuta Preksh, but he differed from his master in interpretation of the scriptures and succeeded him as an Acharya and came to be known as Madhvacharya.
His philosophy came to be known as “Purna Pragna Darsana” later defined as the Dwita philosophy or Dualism as contrary to the philosophy of Adi Sankaracharya. His philosophy is also referred as a pluralistic theism, thus making a clear distinction between God, Soul and Body (Matter). He toured various parts of India and gathered many adherents to his faith. He enshrined Bhagawan Krishna at Udipi. He prescribed many rituals for daily life and for worship for disciplining one self and seeking the blessings of God. He composed and sang many stotras to emphasise his philosophy and which are sung by many of his followers today. 

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