Power of Mantra

"Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suryakotee Sama Prabha
Nirvighnam kuru mey Deva, Sarva kaaryeshu Sarvadaa"
Welcome to Hindu Devotional Power blog. The word "mantra" is derived from two Sanskrit words, ‘Man’ which means “mind” and ‘Tra’ which means “to free from”. A Mantra is composed of certain letters arranged in definite sequence of sounds. Each mantra contains certain specific powers of God/Goddess. When chanted with the proper pranayama and sincere devotion, they will yield good results. In the recitation of Sanskrit Mantras the sound is very important, for it can bring transformation in you while leading you to power and strength. Research has proved mantra’s as a powerful tool for healing. Mantra chanting or even listening to it creates positive vibrations and removes negativities. Mantra are interpreted to be effective as sound to the effect that great emphasis is put on correct pronunciation. Constant chanting and meditating on Mantras give rise to devotion and divine energy. Various Mantras have the subtle energies of various deities in a basic form. Mantras should be chanted only with a pure heart and mind. Mantras are such a meditative science. Mantras act upon our bodies by reprogramming the vibrations of the cells that have somehow gone askew. They restore the pattern of sounds at the heart of each and every cell, thus pushing the cells toward harmonious health. Mantras can be used to treat tension and many other difficult diseases that are yet to come. A sound body and calm mind are essential for the chanter of Mantras. Once you are free from all worries and have achieved stability in mind and body, you will derive maximum benefit through the recitation of Mantras.

A Hindu Devotional Power blog featuring lyrics and video of Sanskrit Mantra, Aarti, Stutie, Chalisa, Sloka, Kavacham, Stotras, Sahasranamams. Also listing of hindu temples, hindu festivals, hindu deities, God and Goddess wallpaper and other spirituality contents.

  • Have complete devotion and faith in the Mantra. Repose your complete faith in the deity being worshipped.
  • Keep a peaceful mind.
  • While chanting of Mantras never let your mind be distracted.(concentrate deeply)
  • Put your complete will power in the chanting of Mantra.
  • Never be afraid while the chanting of Mantra.
  • Never change your place before your Mantrik meditation is complete.
  • Perform Mantrik meditation as laid down in our scriptures. 
  • From the beginning to the end of the meditational chanting of Mantra do not change incense(Dhoop), lamp(Deepak), asana, beads(Mala) and clothes.
  • While the chanting of Mantra keep non-vegetarian food and liquor strictly away from your house.
  • After bathing and with complete purity perform the chanting of Mantra.
  • Never use Mantra power or attainment for negative purposes.

1 comment:

  1. MANTRAS RECITATION, how about performing JAPA without a GURU . How to identify a PROPER guru in this Modern World?
