Shri Surya Dev

|| Om Ghrini Surya Aditya Om ||
Lord Surya can be called the only god in Hindu belief who can be seen and prayed to in daily life. Surya symbolizes the Sun God. Shri Surya Dev is the source of life, light and all energy in the cosmos. There is no alternate to the life-giving rays of the Surya Dev. He is the most powerful and majestic visible Devata. The lord is prayed in the simplest way by folding one's hands in a namaskar at the time of sunrise.


For Surya Graha related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Sun:
  • Worship the ruling deity Lord Shiva. Recite Aditya Hridaya stotra daily or Gayatri Mantra daily.
  • Japa of Sun's moola mantra: "Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah", 6000 times in 40 days.
  • Recite the Surya Stotra:
    Java kusuma sankasam kashyapeyam mahadutim
    Tamorim Sarva paapghnam pranatosmi Divakaram
  • Charity: Donate wheat, or sugar candy on sunday.
  • Fasting day: Sundays.
  • Pooja: Rudrabhishek.
  • Rudraksha: Wear Ekamukhi or 12 mukhi Rudraksha 

|| Surya Dyana Mantra ||

Dvibhujam padma hastam caratham makutanvitam
Dhyayeddivakaram Devam Sarva bhista pradayakam

|| Surya Gayatri Mantra ||

Om Bhaskaraya Vidmahe Mahadyutikaraya 
Dhimahi Tanno Adityah Pracodayat

|| Surya Sloka ||

Japakusuma Sankasam Kasyapeyam mahadyutim
Tamorim Sarva papaghnam Pranatosmi Divakaram

|| Surya Vedic Mantra ||

Om Akrishnen Rajsa Vartmano Niveshayanm Amritam Martyanya
Hiranyayen Savitarathenadevo Yaati Bhuvanani Pashyan Suryay Namah

 || Surya Bij Mantra ||

Om Hram Hreem Hroum Sah Suryaya Namah


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