Shri Guru ( Brihaspati )

|| Om Brim Brihaspatye Namah ||
Guru is known as Brihaspati (Sanskrit, "lord of prayer or devotion") , Deva-guru (Guru of the Gods). Guru is a benefice planet and considered to be the most auspicious, helpful, generous and beneficent of the planets. Worship of Jupiter results in progeny, good education, valour, longevity of life and recovery from physical illness. In the Zodiac. He is the Lord of Dhanus and Meena. Guru stays for one year in each Rasi, taking 12 years to complete the cycle.

For Guru or Jupiter related problems and during the dasa or antardasa of Guru:
  • Worship Lord Shiva. 
  • Recite Sri Rudram.
  • Japa of the Guru beeja mantra: " Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah ", 16000 times in 40 days.
  • Recite the Guru stotra: Devanam cha rishinam cha Gurum kaanchan Sannibhaam Buddhi bhutam Trilokesham tam namaami Brihaspatim.
  • Donate: Saffron or turmeric on thursday.
  • Fasting: On Thrusdays.
  • Pooja: Rudrabhishekam.
  • Wear a 5 mukhi rudraksha. 

|| Brihaspati (Guru) Navagraha Mantra ||

Devaanaam Cha Risheenaam Cha Gurum Kaanchana Sannibham
Buddhibhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspateem

Meaning : I bow down to Brihaspathi who is the teacher of Gods ans sages, who is resplendent and lustrous like burnished gold and who is endowed with a lot of wisdom and who is the lord of the three worlds.

|| Gayatri Mantras of Guru / Brihaspati ||

Aum Guru Devaya Vidmahe Parabrahmane 
Dheemahi Tanno Guruh Prachodayat

Vrusha Dhwajaaya VidhmaheGruni Hasthaaya 
Dheemahi Thanno Guruh Prachodayat


|| Vedic Mantras of Guru ||

Om Brihaspate Ati Yadaryo Arhaad Dyumdwibhaati Kratumajjaneshu Yaddeedayachhvas Ritprajaat Tadasmaasu Dravinam Dhehi Chitram
|| Beej Mantras of Guru ||

 Om Graam Greem Graum S-uh Gurve Namah

Om Brim Brihaspatye Namah


|| Jupiter Mantra : Om Gurave Namaha ||

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Anonymous said...

I am doing research for my college thesis, thanks for your useful points, now I am acting on a sudden impulse.

- Laura

Anonymous said...

Great post

Param Shakti Peeth

Unknown said...

You have listed the very useful mantras here. Great work.

GOOD OFFER said...

Good Information About Mantras,Thanks to Blogger

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Unknown said...

Trying to get your mantra on YouTube but not seeing it ..disappointed..sorry πŸ™

Unknown said...

Thanks πŸ™ can you please put it on YouTube... would really like to listen to it thank you πŸ™πŸ’œπŸ™

Unknown said...

Om Brihaspate ati yadaryo dyumdwibhaati kratumajjaneshu yaddeedayachhavas ritprajaat tadasmaasu dravinam dhehi chitram πŸ™

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